A current theme

Menstruation concerns more than 800 million women every day in the world, which represents a significant part of the world’s population. A woman is menstruated an average of 13 times a year. It is therefore a really impactful situation in life, and, consequently, in work. Menstruating requires a good dose of organization, which adds a significant mental load. And even if a woman is particularly well organized, the cycles are not always regular. Accidents and emergencies happen quickly.

For more than 5 years, menstruation-related issues have been increasingly taken into account and studied at the government level. Taboos are gradually being lifted, which allows for better debate and better consideration of the impact of the menstrual cycle on a daily basis. In several countries, the State has decided to launch the installation of sanitary protection dispensers in schools or public places.

In order to improve the comfort and quality of life at work for menstruating people, IYNI has developed a self-service pads and tampon dispenser. Ergonomic and aesthetic, this tampon dispenser fits perfectly into company washrooms. It provides three different menstrual products, in order to adapt to each user: tampons with applicator, digital tampons, as well as sanitary pads.


Healthy products

Conventional sanitary protection contains plastics, dyes, perfumes, chlorine and other products that are particularly harmful to both health and the environment. On average, a pad or tampon takes over 500 years to break down. When we know that each year, more than 45 billion sanitary pads are thrown away in the world, we become aware of the ecological disaster linked to these products.

This is why, at IYNI, we have opted for tampons and pads that are both respectful of the body and of women and of the environment. Indeed, the menstrual products sold with our sanitary pads dispenser are made of 100% ORGANIC cotton, without plastic or dyes. The tampons are not bleached with chlorine, nor with any other toxic product.


Fast and effective action

Installing the sanitary protection dispenser is a quick and easy way to significantly improve the well-being of female employees in the workplace or of your students in their place of study. By allowing them to no longer worry about always having pads in their bag in case of emergency, it frees up space in the minds of women so that they are 100% concentrated. In addition, our self-service sanitary pad dispensers are easy to install and refill, so they won’t require much maintenance on your part.