70% of women are in favor of the provision of free periodic protection in companies. Indeed, menstruation is an important period in the women’s life, even when they are at work. Providing free sanitary pads and tampons in firms would help them better live with their periods at work.


Quality of life at work

Today, companies, whether start-ups or SMEs, are doing everything possible to improve the working conditions of their employees. Gym, nursery, rest room, drinks and snacks available… different ways to improve the quality of life at work for its employees. Indeed, well-being at work goes with performance and efficiency, studies have shown that when employees feel good in their company, they are more active and perform better. In addition, it is important today for companies to continuously improve because it is increasingly easy for an employee to change position and therefore change the company. Companies must therefore think about all the daily situations of their employees and the periods at work affect a large part of their team. Some companies are therefore starting to provide free pads and tampons in offices. Indeed, every month, women use periodic protections in companies and must then remember to have some with them. But they must also manage the pain and all the other hassles of everyday life. Unforeseen periods, forgetting protection, they must then go home or ask a colleague for help. A stress for them but also for you who lose a member of your team for part of the day. By providing sanitary pads or tampons in the offices, you take a mental load off your employees who will no longer need to always think about having pads or tampons with them.


Lifting the “taboo” around menstruation in the office

We often talk about the taboo of periods in the playgrounds but unfortunately it is still present years later in the business world. For a major part of people, it is inappropriate to talk about periods in public. It is therefore rare that a woman dares to ask a colleague for pads in the middle of the open-space or even that she explains to her colleagues why she is not in great shape on certain days. However, this subject affects half of the population and women should therefore be able to discuss it freely. By installing pads and tampons dispenser in companies, you show women that you are open to the subject. In addition, your initiative will raise discussions during breaks and your collaborators will therefore feel more comfortable having to slip away during a meeting to go to the bathroom or even to dare to talk about it with their collaborators. They will also no longer have to hide pads or tampons in their sleeves or trouser pockets and will therefore be able to go to the bathroom without stress.


Our solutions

The first companies that implemented this concept offered some periodic protection in a basket placed in the toilet. Today, we have created a real modern and discreet dispenser that you can install in your sanitary facilities to offer this service to your employees. Installing and using one of our corporate sanitary pad dispensers is simple. Choice of pads, tampons with applicator and digital tampons, you can choose the type of dispenser that best suits your needs. At IYNI, we recommend our dispensers with 1 or 2 columns. The 1-column dispenser is very practical due to its small size, which allows it to be installed in a wide variety of places, but also due to its capacity for sanitary napkins, the most commonly used protection in emergency solutions. However, if you also want to offer digital tampons, you can opt for the 2-column dispenser and thus leave the choice of the type of protection to your users. Our dispensers are sober, so they will easily blend into your office environment.


By installing a distributor of periodic protection in your company, you will help your employees to better live their periods at work. Even if the gesture may seem small, you will improve their quality of life at work.