The Taboo of Periods Around the World: Raising Awareness on Menstruation and Menstrual Education

Menstruation is a common biological experience for billions of women worldwide. However, it remains shrouded in silence and shame in many societies. The taboo surrounding periods persists despite advances in gender equality. Raising awareness about menstruation and promoting menstrual education are essential steps to break this taboo and allow women and girls to live their lives without being limited by their menstrual cycles.

 The Period Taboo: A Global Reality

The period taboo is a worldwide phenomenon that manifests in various forms. In many cultures, menstruation is surrounded by superstitions, myths, and restrictions. For example, in India and Nepal, women are considered impure during their periods and are forbidden from entering the kitchen or touching certain foods. Women and girls are often discouraged from speaking openly about their periods, which keeps them in shame and ignorance. The consequences of this taboo go beyond simple embarrassment. They include limited access to menstrual education, the use of inappropriate menstrual products, and even social stigmatization.

Raising Awareness on Menstruation: Breaking the Silence

The first step to eliminating the period taboo is raising awareness. Governments, NGOs, schools, and the media have a crucial role in spreading information about menstruation. Awareness campaigns can help normalize discussions on this subject and inform women and girls about their bodies. The goal is to ensure that menstruation is no longer seen as a shameful topic but as a normal part of women’s lives.

Menstrual Education: Providing Women and Girls with the Tools They Need

Menstrual education is a key element in the fight against the period taboo. Women and girls need to understand their menstrual cycle, the physiological changes that occur, and the options available for menstrual products. Comprehensive menstrual education allows women to make informed decisions about their menstrual health and well-being.

Access to Menstrual Products: A Crucial Issue

In many parts of the world, access to menstrual products is limited due to economic constraints. This can lead to the use of unhygienic or dangerous materials, putting women’s health at risk. Governments and humanitarian organizations must work to ensure that all women have access to safe and affordable menstrual products.

Breaking the Taboo for a Better Future

The period taboo is a barrier to gender equality and women’s empowerment. By breaking this taboo, we can help women and girls live their lives without being hindered by their periods. This means normalizing conversations about periods, providing comprehensive menstrual education, and ensuring access to quality menstrual products. Together, we can end the period taboo and create a world where women can live fully and with dignity, regardless of the time of the month.


Raising awareness about menstruation and menstrual education are essential elements in the fight against the period taboo worldwide. By breaking the silence surrounding menstruation, we can contribute to the empowerment of women and girls, improve their health, and promote gender equality. It is time for the world to stand up to end the period taboo and allow all women to live their lives without shame or restriction.