Let’s be honest: periods are still a taboo in firms. We dread them, we whisper when we discuss them with our colleagues (and again, if we dare to discuss them). The word is still little used, as if calling our periods “Bloody Mary”, or “the painters are in” made the subject less sensitive. And yet, menstruation affects half of the world’s population! More or less severe pain, flow management, mood changes, are all inconveniences that occur several days a month, for many years. Our periods already make us live difficult times when we are at home so how to live our periods at work in a more serene way? There are ways to experience this time of the month differently.



The key? Listen to your body!

Indeed, instead of making an enemy of it, it is time to learn to know and appropriate your menstrual cycle. Today, there are several apps and other connected watches that offer you to “track” your symptoms at each phase of the cycle, so that you can adapt according to the moment. For example, by anticipating the effects of hormonal variations. This will help you to better live your periods at work.


Some tips to combine menstrual cycle and professional life

Talk about it

 If you feel comfortable enough to talk about it, especially with your collaborators, do it. The periods at the office are indeed a major constraint, which they do not always understand, because they do not live it. This will be an opportunity to discuss an effective way to arrange your schedule so as not to be penalized in your work and your objectives. In the event of tiredness or a drop in productivity, do not hesitate to reassure your colleagues, without necessarily giving them a reason justifying your condition. Just assure them that the job will be done and that you are still motivated.


See a doctor

Do not hesitate to consult a doctor or ask for a sick leave. Please note that menstrual pain can be overwhelming, but when it becomes unbearable and recurrent, it is essential to consult a doctor. It could be pain related to a pathology.


Learn to manage emergencies

We do not all have a very regular cycle, and even so, periods arriving a day or two in advance are usual. The option of asking a co-worker or running to the local pharmacy are still popular. Nevertheless, why not, during the next employee consultation, propose the establishment of self-service pad and tampon dispensers in offices, such as the one at IYNI? This would really reduce your stress having periods in the office.


Dealing with an accident

We have all experienced this periods accident. It was our biggest angst in middle school, and surprisingly it still is when we have our periods at work. The leak of blood that stains the pants in the middle of the day. You can always use the waistcoat technique or go around the open space to ask if one of your colleagues has some sports leggings to lend you. You can also, without feeling embarrassed, tell your superior that you need to go back home.


Dealing with inappropriate remarks

“She’s pissed off, she must have her periods!”; “oh you’re not funny today, are you on your periods or what?” are all “jokes” that don’t make us laugh. Do not hesitate, when possible, to point out to the person concerned that this reflection is unnecessary. It’s also a good time to take the flip side of this inconvenience, giving a quick lesson on the periods to your colleagues.



Finally, in order to better live your period in the workplace, it is important that you think about the fact that you are not the only one in this situation and that you do not feel embarrassed. Do not hesitate to talk about it or leave your workplace if necessary, periods are part of life and it is therefore normal that you feel free during this period.